The State of Your Mission

In working with so many recording artists, we get the rare privilege to see a ministry birthed into existence. It’s an extremely rewarding experience when an artist gets that “Ah-Ha” moment about their purpose in life. To really maximize the scope of their ministry, we often challenge them to break down their complete ministry into one or two sentences. we ask them to precisely state the ministry in a very condensed way that covers everything that they plan to do.

In business, this is called the “Mission Statement”. At that very moment, we usually get that blank stare like a deer in headlights, Lol! I know what you are saying, “I just want to sing and rap and do music. What do I need a mission statement for? Let me answer that with a question: “If you plan on being successful in your music ministry, don’t you think it’s important to know who your ministry is for, how you are going to reach them, and what steps you are going to take to help them?”

One of the main reasons why Christian Recording Artists are not effective, is that they don’t take the time to think about who, in particular, their ministry is for, and what specific things they are going to do to practically help people with their music “Ministry”. People aren’t totally changed by just hearing you sing a song.

Jesus was a very effective communicator. He studied and learned everything that the ministers if his day knew. He knew the old testament backwards and forwards and taught in the synagogues for services. But, Jesus didn’t just rely on his stage presentation to reach the masses, he healed them, sat with them, ate dinner with them, gave his very life for them to be free. The Disciples also followed suit. It wasn’t about the stage… it was about completing the mission that they were sent to complete.

Noah’s specific mission: Build an Ark and repopulate the earth…

Esther’s specific mission: Save the Jewish people from destruction…

Moses’ specific mission: Deliver the Children of Israel from Pharaoh…

A different way of thinking about it is, if you have an infestation in your house, would you call a General Contractor to help you, or a Specialist that knows about your specific problem that has specific skills needed to handle the issue, and has helped people before with the same issue?

Avoid being a “General Contractor”, become a “Specialist”.

What Is Your Particular Mission? Who Are You Equipped to Reach with Your Music Ministry?

A mission statement is broken down into three (3) different parts.

1. Who are you targeting?

2. What problem are you solving?

3. How are you going to make a difference?

Let’s take Sanctified Sound’s Mission Statement for example:

“Sanctified Sound Aims to Motivate, Inspire, and Empower Christian Recording Artists to Long-lasting Success in the Music Industry.”

Who are we reaching? Christian Recording Artists

What Problem are we solving? Long-lasting success in the music industry

How are we solving the problem? Motivation, Inspiration, Empowerment

A mission statement keeps you focused on your goals, and directs every decision that is made towards that mission.

A statement also tells you what you are not going to do. It helps to make sure you don’t go off the path and do things that are not aligned with your mission or goals.

Some Critical Questions to Ask Yourself This Week:

1. Do I know my specific purpose and mission?

2. Have I written my mission down, and do I revisit it every day?

3. What am I going to do to solve the problem I was created to solve?


God’s System Vs the World’s System.


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