How To End Up Broke!

A little over a year ago, I started doing podcasts to help recording artists learn the tools needed to be successful in the music industry. I was sitting with one recording artist and I asked the question, “Why do you think people don’t support Christian Recording Artists?”


He replied that people are always trying to take advantage of Christian artists. People have been known to say that artists should not be paid to preach the gospel. It’s free.


To be fair, it is free. They are 100% right. But, the actual ministry and duties that come with the ministry are not free.


MATT. 10:10 says, “…For The Laborer Deserves His Food” (ESV)


But, my complaint is not with the audience or the event coordinator. My complaint is with the artist themselves that have not put into place a system to receive what they deserve. You can’t blame the Chef for not feeding you if you come to him hungry without a plate. You can’t blame event coordinators to ask you to do free events if you don’t set up a system for payment.


I’m not just talking about PayPal, or some swipe card machine… I’m talking about creating a funnel for anyone to go through to book your services and ending with a system of payment. Every artist needs to add this system to their business. It’s a simple process:


First, start doing free events!


I know, I know, I just said that the free events are the problem, well to get to the solution we must go through the problem. This is key to the process.


Second, STOP doing free events! (Confusing, Huh?)


Usually when you go to an event and you do a great job, people come to you and ask you to come to their event. What do we say? “YES! Sure, I will come to the event. What time and place?” We do that because we are so desperate for a shot that we will take on any show that will have us, and then complain, because you didn’t get paid, that “People Don’t Support Christian Artists”


Problem is that we, as business people, never set up a funnel for people to go through that leads to the payment. Try This Instead:


“Sure, I would love to come to your event and be a blessing. Tell you what you do. Go to my website at, and fill out the booking request form. We will review it and make sure it doesn’t conflict with any other event, and we will do our best to be there.”


*At the end of the BOOKING REQUEST on your WEBSITE, there is a payment option WITH YOUR PRICE*


If they are serious and you are reasonable with your price, then they will gladly pay you. If not, then you have weeded out an event that was trying to take advantage of you. Work Those Inquiries, and When You Have Exhausted Them…Do More FREE Events To Start The Process Over Again!!


You will see the ministry start to prosper, and people will begin to take you seriously, and respect you. I have been told early in my career that you must “Teach People How To Treat You”, and so I tell you the same.


Stay Ye Therefore...


Expanding Your Reach